Partial Obedience or Total Obedience, what would you prefer? God our
creator requires us so totally submit ourselves to Him and wholeheartedly
worship him living no room for anything to take the place of God in our lives. The
Bible in Exodus says Do not worship idols. "(Exodus 20:5)" Idols are anything
that take the place of God in your life or anything that you prefer to do
before taking time to concentrate on God. An idol could be house chores or even
just a newspaper, anything you are addicted to.
A fellow human being can become your idol. You can also make an idol of
yourself by putting your belief in either yourself or any other human being.
This happens when we attribute our success to ourselves forgetting that God is
the most important part of the equation. Turning to mortals (fellow men and
women) in times of need and basing our trust in them to solve our challenges is
another form of idolatry.
Today we are looking at total submission to God, surrendering everything
to Him and only Him. We are surrendering things that have become idols in our
lives and every sin or addiction in our life. A number of times we choose which
sins to continue in and which sins to desist from. We sort out the good and bad
sins forgetting that all sins are bad. You find yourself even as a saved
Christian doing things comfortably even when knowing they are wrong. You claim
you’re a Christian and yet your actions do not show that you are one. This is a
very important point to note in our daily lives that as Christians we are meant
to surrender everything to God living nothing behind, leaving no gap for the
enemy, Satan to attack. The devil uses our weaknesses to attack us and the more
we become built up in them, the further we are from God. The devil keeps using
earthly desires to draw us away from God but remember that devil has no free
gifts and they are of no help to our lives but merely just poison. We should therefore
surrender everything to God totally submitting ourselves and lives to Him, not
partially but completely leaving nothing behind. Every time we sin, we are
giving the devil a chance to destroy us and the devil comes to steal, kill and
Challenge point
Is there something your with holding in your life? It could be specific
types of movies we watch, music we listen to or our gadgets. Are you putting
your trust in material things? Are you entrusting your success to other men or
to yourself?
Pray to God to give you the strength to submit everything to Him
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