In addition to the planning methods you have, I would like to recommend a system of setting priorities which is called, the activity matrix. In this matrix, we try to show people from different work spaces how to put first things first. How do you set priorities? Read ahead and learn how it works and try it out. It consists of four quadrants, Q1 to Q4 as illustrated below.
What is important and urgent to one person may not be for everyone. You are free to set up your own according to your situation.
Important and urgent, Q1
This is called the fire fighting quadrant. You deal with a problem as though you are fighting a fire. If you do not, the fire will burn you up. It is about issues which if not dealt with will attract immediate consequences. This happens to all of us. There are times when we deal with stuff as it comes or according to the pressure with which it comes. In this quadrant, you are driven by pressure in order to act.
These are activities where you cannot help it. You deal with them immediately, to avoid distressing consequences. When you do the urgent and important things when you ought to do them, you will create more time to do the other equally important things in Q2. Actually, the things that are important and urgent, if not done when they ought to be done will affect all the other quadrants. The people in charge will not give you peace until you settle your debts in this quadrant.
Important and not Urgent, Q2
This can also be called the self-drive quadrant. In this quadrant, if not attended to immediately, the activities do not attract instant consequences. Nobody will blame nor bother you for not doing them, but if not done you murder your future accomplishments.
These activities require you to have self-drive. Your overseer will not pressure and will hardly be concerned. They are usually more bothered by the important and urgent things (Q1) which cause distressing consequences if not dealt with urgently. It is your role to create time to do what you ought to do in this quadrant. This however does not mean that we should leave out these activities; they are equally important and affect your final accomplishments.
Urgent but Not Important, Q3
In this quadrant, the activities are to be carried out in a limited time plan (making them urgent) but are not relatively important. It comprises activities which may contribute to the aspects of your life such as social comforts, though they do not directly affect your future or final objectives. Go there to visit, not to dwell. Go there to save a situation. As soon as you have dealt with the activities in this quadrant, you focus should quickly switch back to the important activities (Q1 and Q2). Activities in this quadrant may include: replying a letter to a friend, visiting social media and so no.
Not Urgent and Not Important, Q3
This quadrant can be described as the leisure quadrant or the personal desire quadrant. Activities such as hanging out with friends and colleagues and watching television are not important aspects of achieving future excellence in our different lines of work. There is a time when these desires may be important, but while working this quadrant is useless. Unfortunately, mediocre personnel and failures dwell in this quadrant. The things in this quadrant are flashy, pleasant to the mind and the eye, but they may never contribute anything to your future accomplishments.
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