
Showing posts from July, 2020


CORRUPTION! CORRUPTION! CORRUPTION! Corruption what an epidemic on our nation! Slowly but surely eating up the nation Looming every institution Hospitals, universities, colleges, ministries, name it all No service without payment wherever you go The poor getting poorer each day The rich getting richer in everyway Corruption, a cancer in our nation Corruption based on the fatal virus money Money worshipped, blinding the politicians and the saints Filling the civil servants round pot-bellies The judiciary not spared by the virus either Misjudging to judge due to corruption The police policing real corruption in operations As crime grows and criminals worshipped! Corruption growing as the next generation watches Shameless the old grooming the young, into corruption Leading by example of corrupt scandals Corrupt elections, corrupt tenders, corrupt leaders Poor salaries, UMEME blackouts, Drugless hospitals Pot-holed roads, Poor services name it man,...


I want to go back to school for here my heart is Forlorn, I want to go back to school where I can find my love for books. Where I can find my People, Where I can together with books With friends clucking by my bedside like chicken   I want to go back to school for here meaning is lost, I want to go back to school where my muscles stretch over the desks, Teachers’ voices screaming all over the class Providing sense into my brains, Learning and gaining confidence in my heart   I want to go back to school; here all roots are rotting, I want to go back to school, Where deep in the books, I run after the good performance I want to go back to school, where I will wade in water bathe in knowledge. Dance at the achievement and pray to the sky.  


Children learn what they live If children live with criticism They learn to condemn If children live with hostility They learn to fight If children live with fear They learn to be apprehensive If children live with pity They learn to feel sorry for themselves If children live with ridicule They learn to be shy If children live with jealousy They learn what envy is If children live with shame They learn to feel guilty If children live with tolerance They learn to be patient If children live with encouragement They learn to be confident If children live with praise They learn to appreciate If children live with approval They learn to like themselves If children live with acceptance They learn to find love in the world If children live with recognition They learn to have a goal If children live with sharing They learn to be gracious If children live with honesty and fairness They learn what truth and justice are If children liv...


In addition to the planning methods you have, I would like to recommend a system of setting priorities which is called, the activity matrix. In this matrix, we try to show people from different work spaces how to put first things first. How do you set priorities?  Read ahead and learn how it works and try it out. It consists of four quadrants, Q1 to Q4 as illustrated below. What is important and urgent to one person may not be for everyone. You are free to set up your own according to your situation. Important and urgent, Q1 This is called the fire fighting quadrant. You deal with a problem as though you are fighting a fire. If you do not, the fire will burn you up. It is about issues which if not dealt with will attract immediate consequences. This happens to all of us. There are times when we deal with stuff as it comes or according to the pressure with which it comes. In this quadrant, you are driven by pressure in order to act. These are activities where you cannot help it. You...