
Showing posts from May, 2020


Partial Obedience or Total Obedience, what would you prefer? God our creator requires us so totally submit ourselves to Him and wholeheartedly worship him living no room for anything to take the place of God in our lives. The Bible in Exodus says Do not worship idols. "(Exodus 20:5)" Idols are anything that take the place of God in your life or anything that you prefer to do before taking time to concentrate on God. An idol could be house chores or even just a newspaper, anything you are addicted to. A fellow human being can become your idol. You can also make an idol of yourself by putting your belief in either yourself or any other human being. This happens when we attribute our success to ourselves forgetting that God is the most important part of the equation. Turning to mortals (fellow men and women) in times of need and basing our trust in them to solve our challenges is another form of idolatry.   Today we are looking at total submission to God, surrendering ever...